Sunday, November 23, 2014

Secebis bingkisan buat Waheedah

Tarikh istimewa buat sahabat saya
menjadi pelengkap hidup kepada pasangannya
Muhammad Uzair bin Izham

Dari kita mula kenal
Dari apa yang Majad perhatikan
Dari segala-galanya
Dia sahabat yang tak pernah jemu
Nasihatkan Majad bila hilang arah
Cari Majad bila jadi chipsmore
Tanpa jemu

Dan untuk itu
Jutaan terima kasih yang tak terhingga
Atas rasa sabar 
Melayan segala karenah Majad
Atas segala nasihat
dan atas segala rasa
kerana sudi menganggap Majad
sahabat kamu

Terima kasih
atas persahabatan 7 tahun itu
Terima kasih Allah
kerana kurniakan Majad 
sahabat terbaik 
yang baik dari segi akhlaknya
tutur katanya

Maaf kerana tidak dapat menghadirkan diri 
pada hari yang penuh bahagia 
buat dirimu
kekurangan untuk Majad sebenarnya
tidak dapat berkongsi kegembiraan bersama
dan semoga hadiah yang diterima
boleh dianggap sebagai kehadiran Majad juga.

Untuk Uzair aka suami kepada Waheedah, 

'Tak ada pesanan apa pun sebenarnya sebab tahu mesti akan jaga Edah sebaik mungkin dan InsyaAllah, menjadi suami kepada Edah, akan jadi yang terbaik buat Uzair. Edah yang sangat comel, Edah yang sangat baik, Edah yang lemah lembut, Edah yang suka warna biru tapi pelik kenapa kahwin warna pink.. hehe..Edah yang pandai.. Edah yang putih.. haha..Edah yang segala2nya' Banyak sangat nak cakap.

Moga kalian bahagia hingga ke syurga.
Dikurniakan anak yang comel + soleh & solehah.
*Kembar boleh tak edah?hehe.

Sedih sebenarnya masa tulis entry ini. Satu perkara yang Majad teringin kita buat sebelum Edah kahwin tapi tak kesampaian sebenarnya..sob..sob.. Sehari dengan Edah untuk ada lady's talk, makan2 bersama, tidur sebantal sebabnya kali terakhir kita jumpa tahun 2011. *Lama kan tak jumpa.Majad baru perasan.huhu..Tak pe, mungkin boleh berjumpa di syurga. InshaAllah.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Kereta Persatuan, Ukhwah & Dakwah

Kereta turun temurun..

Dari adik zz yang guna masa dia belajar dekat KUIS dulu sampailah zz guna masa belajar di UUM.

dan nampaknya

Jodoh zz dgn kereta ni hanya setakat ni sahaja.

Kenapa zz gelar kereta Persatuan, Ukhwah & Dakwah?

Kereta persatuan sebab kereta ni lah zz ambil ajk2 kelab dekat asrama bila nak pergi meeting. Sharing is caring right? Pergi beli brg2 untuk program, siapkan brg2 sebelum program, makan2, ada ajk yang zz kamceng tolong zz bwk pegi hospital and paling tak boleh lupa bila dia org sempat shopping beli kipas.. :) mmg kenangan betul..

Kereta ukhwah sebab pergi mana2 pun mesti dgn geng zz dan naik kereta.. memang kena cukup korum la senang cerita. Kelas,Makan,Ziarah,Shopping dan segala2nya. Tapi yang paling syok sgt bila sorang lambat maka semualah lambat..haha.. Kalau gaduh tara mana sekalipun, tetap akan naik kereta ni cuma masing2 senyap sepi tak tahu mana nak mula..

Kereta dakwah sebab zz selalu guna kereta ni bila pergi usrah, program ilmiah masjid dll. Antara yang paling best bila kereta ni pernah bawa Hilal Asyraf. Terasa bangga sekejap. Hehe.  *sila pergi jauh2 Yelah, kereta yang buruk ni bila orang yang berilmu naik terus rasa mcm baru. :)

Semoga kalian yang pernah naik kereta kecil ni akan sentiasa mengingati segala kenangan yang tercipta dari sini.

Friday, November 7, 2014

I'm Back

 Masha Allah.. 
It's too long that I didn't update anything for my blog..
InshaAllah, I'm back for the good.
from 14th of July until 02nd November 2014,
zz just undergo my industrial training/practicum at Koperasi Tentera,
Tak boleh online sebab memang tak da wifi..
Really miss you guys..
Alhamdulillah, report practicum pun dah siap..
So for those who leave any comment, 
InshaAllah, asap I will start my bw
and of course there are so many things that zz wanna share with you
May Allah bless you..
Allah Hafiz..



Saturday, June 7, 2014


Entry Pendek

hold blog jap smpai 9 jun ni je untuk paper killer..
eh?killer ke? tak killer tapi susah yg amat..
tembakkan doa untuk zz and the gang untuk second paper ni..
habis je exam mmg update and blogwalking bertubi2..
terima kasih kerana memahami..  * tetibe je.. kiki

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

"Segmen Blogwalking by Izzati Amira"

ehem2.. (gatal tekak jap).. kiki.. lama yang teramat zz x join segmen sebenarnya.. dan hari ni tetibe je ade mood nak join by adik manis Izzati Amira and zz rasa ini adalah segmen pertama yang zz join pada tahun 2014 ni.. (tepuk tangan sikit) :) zz suka washi tape.. padahal zz baru je tahu byk bnda yang boleh buat dengan washi tape even though zz x berapa lah nak kreatif.. hihi...

Assalamualaikum w.b.t"> height="350" src="" width="500" />

[ tekan banner untuk join ]

Aktiviti : Happy Blogwalking


1st & 2nd Top Referral : Washi Tape 1x ( sorang satu  atau sorang dua maybe?? heee. )

4x Random :  '19Capri' button badge 1x

Tamat : 17 Jun 2014

Selamat join !

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Final Exam Fever

"Exams are natural in the life and 'our' hard work will give good results

Just 1 week left, zz will facing my last final exam in degree. *alhamdulillah  My first paper will be on 4th until 23rd of June. Just around the corner actually. Tough subject this semester even though zz just took 4 subject but still suffer from exam fear.kiki.. Since zz in a final exam fever, so just wanna share a tips of succes. Alhamdulillah, I have a gap for each of my subject.
  •  4/6/2014 - Computer Application in Management
  •  9/6/2014 - Seminar in Islamic Finance and Banking
  •  16/06/2014 - Falsafah dan Sejarah Pendidikan Islam
  •  23/06/2014 - Strategic Management for Financial Institutions
What should we do before study? Don't just open your book and start without recite a du'a. Allah will help you for. *Insha Allah.. Let's start with:
1) Du'as before studying
       اللهم لا سهل إلا ما جعلته سهلا وإنت تجعل الحزن إذا شيت سهلا
     O Allah! There is nothing easy excet whay You make easy, and You make the diffiicult
     easy if it be Your will.
2) Du'as for difficulty
     اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الهم والحزن والعجز والكسل والبخل والجبن وضلع الدين وغلبة الرجال    
       O Allah! I seek refuge in You from grief and sadness from weakness and from laziness
      from miserliness and from cowardice, from being overcome by debt and from being
      overpowerd by men (other people).
3) Du'as after studying
     اللهم ذكرني منه وعلمني منه ما جهلت
     O Allah! Assist me to remeber it, and teach me whatever I am ignorant of it.
There are some revision and a good tips that I read and just wan to share with you which are:
  1. Always pray at the correct time to give yourself a full mental and spiritual recharge.
  2. Arise bright and early to pray fajr and then revise.
  3. Develop a timetable to monitor your progress which can make us allocate adequate time for fun and relaxation as well.
  4. While revising, vary subjects and their difficulty to prevent from bored.
  5. Take a short break as soon as you notice your mind is losing concentration.
  6. Maintain a regular sleep patern, pray and go to sleep early.
  7. Eat heathily, nutrients will help your brain stay sharp. Don't drint too much coffee, tea or fizzy drinks.
  8. Stay away from distractions that could loss of concentration anxiety.
  9. increase in you reading and listening of the Qur'an and performing more Ibadah.
For those who are also in final exam week, may Allah ease us and please shoot your du'a for me too.. Till then, Keep Calm and Study. Peace!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Annual Grand Dinner (Part 1)

sambungan dari sini zz nak ceritakan pulak petang sebelum bermulanya Dinner.. First Dinner mesti kita akan buat yang terbaik kan? walaupun banyak sangat halangan yang ada antaranya ialah masalah kerusi + meja untuk dinner, tempahan dewan, bas dan sebagainya tapi Alhamdulillah, sama- sama dapat mengatasinya..  owh, special to AJK ialah badge Urusetia sebagai tanda kenang-kenangan..

zz start dari pintu masuk dewan lah.. Alhamdulillah zz dapat laksanakan tugas dengan baik.. ye ke?? harap2 macam tu lah.. hiasan untuk pintu masuk dewan sumbangan idea dri ajk2 zz dengan adanya rama-rama, belon dan lain-lain.. :) kreatif x?hihi
simple but nice, right?

still nampak tak kemas lagi kan? masa ni meja baru je smpai dan tengah cari susunan terbaik untuk meja VIP,AJK dan peserta. memang letih angkat besi dan susun meja memandangkan kami kekurangan tenaga pekerja lelaki..huhu.. konon macam semua ada muscle la..hihi 

kain yang wrna purple tu meja VVIP
dah selesai susun meja dengan jayanya. so apa lagi tangkap gambar la dlu..hihi.. bila tengok dewan dah siap kemas, dah cantik, hati terus rasa tenang..  Pandangan dari bawah pentas.. baru selesai siapkan backround untuk pentas.. Alhamdulillah AJK lain turut membantu.. 'Berat sama dipikul, ringan sama dijinjing'. Sama-sama kelam kabut siapkan perhiasan untuk pentas. Sebabnya nk kena jaga dinding dewan, baru lepas cat. Zz appreciate sgt atas usaha mereka. Sekalung tahniah untuk tenaga mereka.. Hanya Allah yang mampu membalasnya.
Pemandangan belakang dewan. Alhamdulillah lebih nampak tersusun dan cantik.. :) Ada satu perkara yang zz terkilan..sob2.. akan diceritakan pada penghujung entry ini lah.. Memandangkan tema 'Modern and Classic', maka alas meja selain dari yang dibekalkan oleh kedai, kita letak la kain batik.. Nampak x classic disitu? hihi.. Untuk kerusi VIP, kita letak kain pelekat supaya nampak lain dari yang lain. Terima kasih pada mereka yang menolong menjayakan hiasan dewan ini.

Hiasan untuk pentas.. Simple je kan? Ada rama2 handmade, Bunga readymade, Kain hitam dan kotak IFBA handmade.. hihi.. Any comments, here? zz tak sempat bergambar masa pentas  masih dalam keadaan teratur.. sob2..  

Backdrop untuk tangkap gambar sebagai kenang-kenangan.. Letak VESPA supaya nampak classic.. Ok la tu kan? Tapi last sekali, back drop ni dah jd kenangan. Penat buat satu hal tapi memandangkan IFBA tak de bilik khas agak susahla untuk kita orang simpan.. sedih2..  Hiasan dalm dewan ni lebih kepada modern kn? Siap ada guestbook dinner lagi..hihi..

siap ada props lagi.. :)
Meja untuk cabutan bertuah. Ala, zz lupa nak msukkan gambar cenderamata untuk peserta.. lain kalilah zz update..hihi.. 5 barang eletrik sebagai cabutan bertuah yang istimewa tapi malangnya no zz x bertuah.. tengok orang je la yang dapat. Tak serasi rasanya.. :)
Meja makanan untuk para peserta..Hidang secara buffet, lagi nampak meriah. Nasi hujan panas + Ayam Masak merah, Laksa, Puding Jagung, Koktail. Alhamdulillah, makanan masa dinner mmg terbaik.. :) Thumbs up untuk Ajk Makanan.. Koktail tu kawan zz yang buat. Jutaan terima kasih yang tak terhingga sebenarnya, bertungkus lumus dia orang buat.
Haa..ingat tak cerita yang zz kata nak cerita masa awal tadi tu?? cerita tu pasal belon helium.. zz tempah la gas helium untuk buatkan belon terapung ke ats. nak nampak mcm grand la tapi Allah izin, orang yang zz tempah tu tak bagitahu pulak kalau letak gas helium awal-awal, gas cepat keluar, lagipun zz manalah tahu pasal benda ni. Dinner kan pkul 8 malam, org tu dtg pkul 2 petang, zz la yg suruh sebenarnya.. kenapalah orang tu tak bagitahu, sob2.. belon tu jd mkin kecil, kecil dan kecil.. so, nak lepaskan rasa kecewa tu, zz lepaskan belon tu ke atas.. boleh tngok dalam gambar kat ats.. Kuciwa jugaklah.. Learn from mistakes, right??
gambar masa dok sibuk2 siapkan pentas, sempat lagi curi tulang.kiki
Alhamdulillah, program berjalan dengan jayanya. Memang cukup-cukup dewan dengan peserta.  Tergambar kegembiraan pada wajah peserta dan part ke 2 akan menyusul selepas ni.. hihi.. :)

Friday, May 23, 2014

Debaran kian terasa

Grand Presentation untuk hari ini dah tamat dengan jayanya.. Tinggal 2 kumpulan lagi untuk pensyarah Dr Affandi termasuklah group zz.. Dukacitanya kumpulan zz adalah kumpulan yang terakhir..huhu..lama sgt nak tunggu.. Apa pun tahniah pada yang telah selesai membentangkan tugasan masing2.. tak tahu lah apa akan jadi untuk esok..

Doakan lah ye untuk zz.. Presentation terakhir untuk semester akhir.InsyaAllah.. Muka zz mungkin nampak tenang tapi dalam hati Allah je yang tahu.. Lagipun bg zz kalau kita nampak takut, perasaan takut tu akan makin bertambah2.. Try harder to be cool.. kiki.. Moga semua dapat buat yang terbaik.. Ada 14 kumpulan yang akan bentang esok.. Minggu yang sibuk tanpa cuti.. Walaupun sibuk, Allah balas dengan minggu depan boleh rehat kejap sebelum start buat revision untuk final sebabnya hanya 1 kelas je yg ada kelas.. yang lain semua dah habis kelas. Hooray!! Eh.. Alhamdulillah.. 

p.s zz akan upload gambar Dinner lepas habis Quiz hari Ahad ni.. :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Special Dedications for My AJK

Special entry for my AJK TUGAS2 KHAS!!

Walaupun program ni dah berlalu beberapa hari yang lepas, tapi zz still nak bercerita.. Kesibukan ini lah yang membuatkan zz x sempat nk update blog zz.(alasan je kan?hihi..) Banyak kali tidur 3 pagi, tak cukup rehat. Alhamdulillah, Allah izin, Islamic Finance and Banking Association atau lebih senang panggil IFBA mengadakan Annual Grand Dinner buat julung kalinya memandangkan Kelab ini baru sahaja ditubuhkan. Bila pertama kali buat ini, mestilah nak kena meriah kan?? 
prop word IFBA yang baru siap 80%
Dinner kali ini, zz diberi mandat memegang Exco Tugas-tugas Khas (zz yang minta sebenarnya..kiki). Tugas2 zz macam biasalah kena ceriakan dewan. Pening kepala jugaklah nk fikir sbbkan nk kena ikut tema "Modern and Classic" tapi pengarah ckp buat je jadi semua ikut kepala je lah.. haha.. 

Antara props yang ada masa Dinner
Alhamdulillah diberi AJK yang ringan tulang dan penuh dengan ke'kreatif'an yang tersendiri.. :) Mudah sgt bekerja dengan dia org. Petang2 sebelum prgram mesti lepak dekat parking kereta hampar tikar. Seronok sangat.. ada satu malam tu lepas meeting, zz and the geng keluar makan2.

Makan-makan with my AJK
Perutusan khas buat semua AJK
Assalamualaikum wbt,Pertama kalinya, kak Majad nak ucapkan berbanyak2 terima kasih kepada semua AJK (Irfan, Nazif, Najibah, Farihan & Amirah dan juga Underground AJK) kerana sudi menyumbangkan segala idea, kerahan tenaga dari petang sampai malam menyiapkan hiasan dewan untuk ANNUAL GRAND DINNER yang pertama. Segala sumbangan dari segi IDEA dan TENAGA, kak majad ucapkan jutaan terima kasih.
Sepanjang kita semua menyiapkan segala props, hiasan pentas, duduk atas tar smpai lenguh, tengok korang main kejar2 (opps..haha) dan segala-galanya, kak Majad dengan rendah hati memohon berbanyak-banyak kemaafan sepanjang tempoh kita bekerjasama buat terakhir kalinya, tak kiralah marah ke, mengarah ke dan sebagainya..huhu.. Jangan simpan dalam hati ye..
Dan buat AJK2 lain yang membantu secara langsung atau tidak langsung, saya mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kerana menjayakan program Dinner pada kali ini..
Semoga IFBA akan terus maju bersama kepimpinan yang akan datang. InshaAllah..
backdrop untuk dinner..konon2 macam grand boleh ambil gambr semua tu

Terasa lega sangat bila dapat melaksanakan tugas dengan baik.. Alhamdulillah.. Moga ini akan menjadi kenangan sepanjang tempoh tiga tahun belajar di UUM..

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A simple of me

 Alhamdulillah.. Alhamdulillah.. With 10 entries that I post, I already finished my assignment for STID subject. I don't think it's good enough with my bad grammar but still looking forward with a good marks.. hihi.. Pray for me, ya! =) I do love this subject since I like the technology damn much but doesn't have a chance to learn about it more. I love to use Prezi rather than Powerpoint, I love to use Photoshop rather than Hajar that love to use Photoscape..haha.. and I love gadjets like monopod and etc.

Now, I want to story more about myself than love reading novels, motivation and comics book. I love all books. My name is Nurzirwatil Majad binti Zainal Abidin which means 'Cahaya Puncak Kemuliaan' and my friends use to called me Majad, and all of my friends said that my name is unique. What I remember most is one of my friends said I never have friends that named Majad.Only you.. I think it make me proud..ish..ish.. I was born on 14th August 1990 at Sungai Petani Kedah and now I'm 24 years old. 

I love to eat western food rather than rice..haha..Love to drink horlicks rather than coffee since I can't smell the scent of coffee. I love pink damn much and you can see through my blog. Currently studying in UUM right now and will be finished my degree this year in the early of November including my practical. Taking Islamic Finance and Banking for three years and i'm one of diploma holder at Darulnaim College of Technology,Kelantan in Islamic banking as well.

When i go through about my education from primary school, you will be shocked since I have studied at many school which is:

1. Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Kelana, Seremban,Negeri Sembilan
2. Sekolah Kebangsaan Pangkalan Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia, Lumut, Perak
3. Sekolah Kebangsaan Kem Terendak 2,Melaka.

It was same with my secondary time. Move in and out..haha. But it was advantages for me having a few friends.My secondary schools are:

1. Sekolah Menengah Arab(Jaim)Al-Ehya El-Karim, Tanjung Bidara, Melaka
2. Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama Matang, Sarawak
3. Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Taman Jelutong, Kulim, Kedah
4. Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama Sheikh Haji Othman Abdul Wahab, Sarawak.

How's was my education history? hihi..pheww..too much schools.. :) Having a good friends is good but having a best friends? I don't know how to say. Just a simple of me actually but it didn't simple right? Hopefully that our story in future will filled with happiness, joyful and grateful moments. 

Throwback #1

It was a long time story when I was in semester 1. I love to ride a bicycle since I was in childhood. When I comes to UUM and saw the tandom that can ride by two people. It was romantic..haha.. Just ride with your friend around UUM was a very heartwarming moments, I gues..

There are many tandom in UUM and we can ride it for free. Just give your matric card and you can ride it on. Unfortunately I just ride it on in semester one only and now I never ride it again since I was quite lazy going to Sports Centre..

Me with tandom

Owh.. for your information, there was also deer stables in UUM. So, we can ride the tandom and going to see the deer. I didn't have a picture when ride a tandom since doesn't have a monopod yet..haha.. After that, walking to our dpp and having a picture in front of DMS. Too early for semester 1 actually because on convocation day, many people will snap a picture in front of DMS.

When I look at the picture, I miss the old me with a thin looks.

Quite pretty scene I guess.. Opps. I dont think I had time now to snap a picture again in front of DMS, but I look forward to have a nice picture this last semester. Having a photography session with all my friends is a best thing I dream on it.


My Lovely Family

To know more about me let's I introduce more about my lovely family. =) Start with my dad's first which I called 'Baba'.My dad's name is Zainal Abidin bin Saad was born in year 1967 at Kuala Lanjut, Kedah. My mum which I called 'ummi' and it's not nyonya..haha was born in year 1968 at Pulau Pinang, just one year younger than my dad. My dad work as soldier but now he was retired and being one of "penceramah bebas" at mosque,surau and etc. If you know my dad, you will see the opposite side of him and not based from his look. My mum is a house wife that love sewing, cooking and reading. She always sharing anything that good for us and always advice me since I was really naughty..huhu.. I love both of them damn much.

I'm the eldest daughter that born on the 14th of August at Klinik Aisyah, Sungai Petani, Kedah. I love pink damn much. Now currently studying in UUM and taking Bachelor of Islamic Finance and Banking and will be finish my study in June, InshaAllah. Still single and available, I guess. Don't think too much in commitment yet until I have a career first.

My little sister name Nazhatul Wijdan and currently in Irbid, Jordan taking an Arabic Language courses to become more fluent since she was finished her degree in Arabic as a second language at KUIS, Bangi. She's 23 years old and prefer to called as Kak Ngah. Will back to Malaysia at the end of May. Hopefully that her dreams will become true to be a lecturer, InshaAllah.

The eldest brother in my family named Zainul Azhanil Adyan was born in year 1994. Already finished his industrial training at Kedah and now in semester break. He's 20 years old and currently studying at Politeknik Seberang Perai, Pulau Pinang in Mechanical Engineering. He is a unique person. I likes when he is in a good mood because he will be a caring person but if he is not in a good mood, I thought he will be a Hulk..haha..

Youngest in my family is Zainul Ilman which we called him 'Adik'. Born in year 1998 and now he's 16 years old. Studying far away from our house make me miss him damn much. He studying at SMAP Kajang from Form 1 until now. Achieve flying colors in UPSR, PMR make me proud of him. Love to read just like me..haha.

That's all about my lovely story.The happiness with them that I can't have it. Went to holiday together even hard to gather right now, but really hope for quality we spent together. I love all of you. To ummi and baba, thanx a lot for what have you done for me, being with me in my hard times, to my lovely sibling, lets make ummi and baba happy and hope the happiness we had till the end of our life and meet again in Jannah, InshaAllah.

Till then, have a nice day on labor day.

what is FRIENDSHIP about?

Before I start my entry more about friendship, let's see what is the meaning about FRIENDSHIP?

From Wikipedia,

Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people

But for me friendship is a type of relationship that care about each other, sharing ANYthing.In other words, a friend is the first person you want to call when you are in good or bad mood, remembers you and doesn't forget anything about you. It's not like if you have a problem, you will find your friend. Don't be like this, please. It will hurt your friends.

Actually, I didn't like to talk more about friendship since I don't know whether I have or not because always moving from school make me like that.haha..but I never regret it. If you know me, when I love some of my friends damn much, I would like to love them without reason but if they doing something that I hate most, I will ignore them.really. They will not become important in my life. 

Just love your friends and don't be like me. :( Ohh.. for those who ask me what is the meaning about the acronym for A.Y.A.M.A.S is:

A: Aku
Y: Yang
A: Amat
M: Menyayangimu
A: Awaklah
S: Sahabatku

or F.R.A.N.C.E which means


That's all from me.. I don't know whether I explain well about friendship but I can't go through since it hurts me..

Till then, Annyeong!!

p.s There are something that I eager to know but you just talk about what I know, it doesn't help me,dear. I don't know whether you will try find me after I being silent for a while but being with me for 6 years, i really appreciate it. For being one of your friends, it's luck for me.Thanks a lot dear. You are too good for me.. Sorry for what I did.

Monday, April 28, 2014

3 Stages of Smile

Give me a warm smile, its sadaqah.. 

Let's start with hadith 31:

Abu Dhar reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:
“Your smile to your brother is a sadaqah (charitable act) for you. Your commanding the right and forbidding the wrong is a sadaqah...

From now, starts your day with a big smile and please make it sure its come from your heart.

opps.. coupled it with a set of healthy teeth, please..hehe

sharing a 3 Stages of smile with all of you. Let's see which stage we are in?

First Stage:Smile when greeting others
The easiest thing but hard to make it,right? Feel shy to smile with the people we don't know, while a smile may delight the hearts of those who are grieving. Who knows, someone feel relieved when see our smile? With smiles, we can get a new friends, with a warm smiles we can also ask people when we don't know and it all starts with a BIG smile. First, when we want to make a move, ignore the shame that we  had when we smile people just ignore it. Bear in your mind that smile is sadaqah.

Second Stage: Forced to smile and not sincere
credit to google
Forced to smile will be a fake smile. When we show facial expressions of sadness, others may be depressed by us.  Review Psychological Science in 2012 pointed out that by forcing yourself to smile, we'll feel more relaxed :

A team of researchers, using chopsticks, has been experimenting with manipulating page 169 volunteers either to make a neutral face (not smiling) or smile naturally. Volunteers, which some of them were instructed to smile, then do some pretty stressful activities while continuing to hold the chopsticks into their mouths.
      Based on the monitored heart rate and stress levels (as told by volunteer), researchers found that those who smile naturally is the most relaxed while doing the activity.

When are in stress or grief mood, try to push yourself to smile even it will seems weird sometimes because at least it can reduce stress and make you more happy. 
Third Stage:Smile comes from your heart
Smile is an addictive element that appeal to us. Sincere smile that comes from your heart will beatify the people around us. Always smile to others will earn reward from Allah.

Let's start with a big SMILE today. Just like Pinkie Pie.. hihi
Change is never easy. You fight to hold and you fight to let go!

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