Thursday, May 29, 2014

Final Exam Fever

"Exams are natural in the life and 'our' hard work will give good results

Just 1 week left, zz will facing my last final exam in degree. *alhamdulillah  My first paper will be on 4th until 23rd of June. Just around the corner actually. Tough subject this semester even though zz just took 4 subject but still suffer from exam fear.kiki.. Since zz in a final exam fever, so just wanna share a tips of succes. Alhamdulillah, I have a gap for each of my subject.
  •  4/6/2014 - Computer Application in Management
  •  9/6/2014 - Seminar in Islamic Finance and Banking
  •  16/06/2014 - Falsafah dan Sejarah Pendidikan Islam
  •  23/06/2014 - Strategic Management for Financial Institutions
What should we do before study? Don't just open your book and start without recite a du'a. Allah will help you for. *Insha Allah.. Let's start with:
1) Du'as before studying
       اللهم لا سهل إلا ما جعلته سهلا وإنت تجعل الحزن إذا شيت سهلا
     O Allah! There is nothing easy excet whay You make easy, and You make the diffiicult
     easy if it be Your will.
2) Du'as for difficulty
     اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الهم والحزن والعجز والكسل والبخل والجبن وضلع الدين وغلبة الرجال    
       O Allah! I seek refuge in You from grief and sadness from weakness and from laziness
      from miserliness and from cowardice, from being overcome by debt and from being
      overpowerd by men (other people).
3) Du'as after studying
     اللهم ذكرني منه وعلمني منه ما جهلت
     O Allah! Assist me to remeber it, and teach me whatever I am ignorant of it.
There are some revision and a good tips that I read and just wan to share with you which are:
  1. Always pray at the correct time to give yourself a full mental and spiritual recharge.
  2. Arise bright and early to pray fajr and then revise.
  3. Develop a timetable to monitor your progress which can make us allocate adequate time for fun and relaxation as well.
  4. While revising, vary subjects and their difficulty to prevent from bored.
  5. Take a short break as soon as you notice your mind is losing concentration.
  6. Maintain a regular sleep patern, pray and go to sleep early.
  7. Eat heathily, nutrients will help your brain stay sharp. Don't drint too much coffee, tea or fizzy drinks.
  8. Stay away from distractions that could loss of concentration anxiety.
  9. increase in you reading and listening of the Qur'an and performing more Ibadah.
For those who are also in final exam week, may Allah ease us and please shoot your du'a for me too.. Till then, Keep Calm and Study. Peace!!


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Really appreciate it!!
Syukran,Kamsahamnida,Terima Kasih, Arigato Gozaimas, Thank you.

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